Top Lines
Q4.1 x Mode of Voting
How would you rate your voting experience overall?
Q4.1 x Party
How would you rate your voting experience overall?
Q4.1 x Presidential Candidate
How would you rate your voting experience overall?
Q4.2 x Mode of Voting
How confident are you that YOUR vote in the General Election was counted as you intended?
Q4.2 x Party
How confident are you that YOUR vote in the General Election was counted as you intended?
Q4.2 x Presidential Candidate Choice
How confident are you that YOUR vote in the General Election was counted as you intended?
Q4.3 x Mode of Voting
Thinking about your county, state, and the nation, how confident are you that all of the ballots were counted as the voters intended?
Your county
Your state
Q4.3 x Party
Thinking about your county, state, and the nation, how confident are you that all of the ballots were counted as the voters intended?
Your county
Your state
Q4.3 x Presidential Candidate Choice
Thinking about your county, state, and the nation, how confident are you that all of the ballots were counted as the voters intended?
Your county
Your state
Q5.11 x Mode of Voting
Do you think fraud changed the outcome of the Presidential election in your state?
Q5.11 x Party
Do you think fraud changed the outcome of the Presidential election in your state?
Q5.11 x Presidential Candidate
Do you think fraud changed the outcome of the Presidential election in your state?