Section 3: In-Person Voting
Q3.1: How would you rate your voting experience overall?
Q3.2: Approximately how long did you have to wait in line to vote?
Q3.3: When you first checked in at the polling place to vote, which of the following statements most closely describes how you were asked to identify yourself?
Q3.4: Please mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the voting location where you voted:
The location was easy to find
I had to go far out of my way to vote
It was hard to find a place to park
The poll workers were helpful
My ballot privacy was protected
I felt safe from COVID-19 while voting in-person
Q3.5: Please answer the following questions:
Did someone in line at the polling place ask you who you were voting for?
Did a poll worker look at your ballot and see who you were voting for?
Did another voter look at your ballot while you were voting or while you were in line to feed it into the vote tabulator?
Did you keep your ballot in a privacy sleeve while you were moving around the vote center
Q3.6: How would you rate efforts at your polling location to prevent voters and poll workers from contracting the COVID-19 virus?