Section 1: Voting Method Frequencies
Mode of Voting Frequencies
Presidential Candidate Frequencies
By State
Mode of Voting Frequencies
Presidential Candidate Frequencies
Section 2: Absentee / Vote by Mail
Q2.1: How many contests did you vote in on your 2020 ballot?
Q2.2: Why did you request an absentee ballot? Please select all that apply.
Q2.3: Have you voted absentee or by mail in a previous election?
Q2.4: How did you request an absentee ballot?
Q2.5: Did you log on to your voter registration record to do any of the following? Please select all that apply.
Q2.6: How was your mail ballot delivered to you?
Q2.7: Did you fill out your ballot with anyone else, such as a family member or friend, or did you complete your ballot by yourself?
Q2.8: With whom did you complete your ballot? Please select all that apply.
Q2.9: When did you return your mail ballot?
Q2.10: Who returned your ballot or dropped it in the mail?
Q2.11: How did you return your ballot?
Q2.12: If someone else returned your ballot, how did they return your ballot?
Q2.13: Did you return anyone else’s ballot?
Q2.14: Whose ballot(s) did you return? Please select all that apply.
Q2.16: Why did you decide to drop off your ballot rather than mail the ballot back in? Please select all that apply.
Q2.17: Were you contacted by your local election official because there was a problem with your ballot and it could not be counted?
Q2.18: Were you able to resolve the problem?
Q2.20: Did you check to see if your ballot arrived at your County Elections office before Election Day?
Q2.21: Overall, how difficult was it to follow all the instructions necessary to cast your ballot and return it to be counted?
Q2.22: How concerned were you that your ballot would arrive at the County Clerk’s office in time to be counted?
Q2.23: Did you encounter any problems marking or completing your ballot that may have interfered with your ability to cast your vote as intended?
Q2.25: Given your experience this year with mail in voting, how likely are you to vote absentee next time?
Section 3: In-Person Voting
Q3.1: How would you rate your voting experience overall?
Q3.2: Approximately how long did you have to wait in line to vote?
Q3.3: When you first checked in at the polling place to vote, which of the following statements most closely describes how you were asked to identify yourself?
Q3.4: Please mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the voting location where you voted:
The location was easy to find
I had to go far out of my way to vote
It was hard to find a place to park
The poll workers were helpful
My ballot privacy was protected
The ballot was too long
I felt safe from COVID-19 while voting in-person
Q3.5: Please answer the following questions:
Did someone in line at the polling place ask you who you were voting for?
Did a poll worker look at your ballot and see who you were voting for?
Did another voter look at your ballot while you were voting or while you were in line to feed it into the vote tabulator?
Did you keep your ballot in a privacy sleeve while you were moving around the vote center
Q3.6: How would you rate efforts at your polling location to prevent voters and poll workers from contracting the COVID-19 virus?
Section 4: Voting Experience
Q4.1: How would you rate your voting experience overall?
Q4.2: How confident are you that
vote in the General Election was counted as you intended?
Q4.3 Thinking about your county, state, and the nation, how confident are you that all of the ballots were counted as the voters intended?
Your county
Your state
Section 5: Election Security
Q5.1: Please answer the following questions:
How often does anyone, including friends or family, ask you which candidate you prefer or voted for?
If a friend or family member asks you who you prefer in an election, how often do you name a candidate?
If you tell a close friend or family member which candidate you prefer, how often do you tell the truth?
Ballots are changed by election workers.
Elected officials make rules that favor one party or another.
Q5.2: Did anyone do any of the following? Please select all that apply.
Q5.3: What was the result of this interaction?
Q5.4: Who tried to make you vote the way you didn’t want to?
Q5.5: According to the law, which candidate you vote for is supposed to be kept secret unless you tell someone. Even so, how easy or hard do you think it would be for politicians, union officials, or the people you work for to find out who you voted for, even if you told no one?
Q5.6: Do you think elected officials can access voting records and figure out who a voter has voted for?
Q5.7: Have you personally witnessed what you believe to be election or voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election?
Q5.8: Which of the following situations did you personally observe in the 2020 Presidential Election? Please select all that apply.
Q5.9: Below is a list of possible illegal election activities that may or may not take place in your state. How often you think each event occurs?
Voted absentee ballots are stolen and thrown away after being submitted
Someone intimidates a voter into voting for someone they didn’t want to
Someone steals an absentee ballot, changes the ballot, and casts it.
Someone bribes someone or pays them money for their vote
Someone intimidates a voter into not voting
Someone being denied the opportunity to vote who is an eligible voter by a poll worker or other election official
Voting machines fail to record votes correctly
Q5.10: Do you support or oppose requiring all people to show government issues photo ID when they vote?
Q5.11: Do you think fraud changed the outcome of the Presidential election in your state?
Section 6: Thinking about Politics
Q6.1: Party
Q6.4: Compared to a year ago how are each of the following doing economically?
You and your family
National economy
State economy
Q6.5: For whom did you vote for in the race for U.S. President?
Q6.6: Thinking about elections and election reform, which is more important?
Q6.7: How do you think we should elect the President: the candidate who gets the most votes in all 50 states, or the current Electoral College system?
Q6.8: Thinking about issues in politics today that matter to you, how often would you say your side has been winning or losing?
Top Lines
Q4.1 x Mode of Voting
Q4.1 x Party
Q4.1 x Presidential Candidate
Q4.2 x Mode of Voting
Q4.2 x Party
Q4.2 x Presidential Candidate Choice
Q4.3 x Mode of Voting
Your county
Your state
Q4.3 x Party
Your county
Your state
Q4.3 x Presidential Candidate Choice
Your county
Your state
Q5.11 x Mode of Voting
Q5.11 x Party
Q5.11 x Presidential Candidate
Section 1: Voting Method Frequencies
Mode of Voting Frequencies
Presidential Candidate Frequencies
By State
Mode of Voting Frequencies
Presidential Candidate Frequencies